71st Republic Day Report on 26.01.2020

The 71st Republic Day was celebrated with fervour and devotion at the college with thousands of students and invitees thronging the grounds. The Cynosure of all eyes was the participation of Justice V.Gopala Gowda Supreme Court Judge (Rtd.) who delivered the keynote address. He said he was thrilled looking at the assemblage of students and the whole learning atmosphere of the campus and paid glowing tributes to the founder of Rural Education Society Poojya S.Kariappa whose life was the epitome of service and sacrifice. Justice Gopala Gowda was particularly impressed with the large number of Woman students which was ample proof of the founder’s vision of bringing education to the doorsteps of the rural people and the under privileged. The Justice went on to salute the founding members of the constitution of India and the efforts earlier of the constituent assemblies and to the eloquence and erudite scholarship of Dr.B.R.Ambedkar who was one of the leading architects of the constitution.

The Justice lamented that several rights and privileges guaranteed by the constitution remain unfulfilled, under-utilized and also in many instances they remained on paper. One such was the representation of Indian women in the mainstream of life.

Justice Gopala Gowda wholeheartedly focused his thoughts on the great sacrifices made by the farmers of the country who continued to sustain urban life. He opined that while urban life has improved Vastly the plight of farmers and villagers remained unattered.

The Justice warned the assembly that the sanctity of the constitution which was a sentinel of the fundamental rights of the people of India was constantly under threat, and the politicians in power by virtne of majority were trying to make inroads in to the sacred tenets of the constitution. Earlier the honourable guest paid floral tributes at the Samadhi of the founder of RES and then hoisted the national flag.

Sri.C.Ramesh, Secretary of the Rural Education society welcomed the gathering Sri.K.B.Nagaraju, President of RES welcomed Justice Gopla Gowda. Sri.M.L.Shivakumar, Vice President of RES and all the members of the board of Directors of RES were in attendance. The NCC unit of the College led by Prof. Vijendra was in full charge of the arrangements. Later the Justice participated in a question and answer session at the S.K.Auditorium where a large number of faculty members and invitees were present.